SCULPT Hairstyle

SCULPT Hairstyle : 3 hair salons in Aix and one in Marseille for your haircut ; dozens of experienced and passionate hairdressers who carry out, with or without appointments, women’s, men’s and children’s cuts all year round.

What press Say’s

Petit Futé 2019 « Real place of worship for the youth people of Aix-en-Provence and others … This hair salon is always full, from 7 to 77 years, the success is at the rendez-vous. An armada of hairdressers more hypte than the others […] on a very present musical background, certainly, but one also comes for the atmosphere. […] Rates, of course, are up to the reputation of the brand if you come out of a simple cut or blow-dry »»



local media Love Spots Marseille« Du « Tie and Dye » flashy au carré classique en passant par le brushing, toutes les coupes seront réalisées avec la même application. Du style oui, mais sans se prendre la tête ! »


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French magazine Le Bonbon« Sculpt is a family and trendy spirit, living rooms where you feel like home with very cool friends »

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